How to become VP of Engineering


3 min read


Have you ever stopped to consider who the loneliest person in your company might be? As a CEO, I've often found myself feeling isolated and disconnected from the rest of the organization. But there's actually one position that can be even lonelier than being CEO - the VP of Engineering.

As VP of Engineering, we spend most of our time translating between two groups of people in two parallel universes. We're citizens of both, but we don't fully belong to either. On the one hand, we're no longer fully part of the engineering team. We're expected to understand the technical aspects of our work, but we're also expected to be able to communicate with non-technical executives and stakeholders. On the other hand, we're not fully accepted by the executive team either. We may try to fit in and understand their goals and priorities, but we often find that they don't fully grasp the complexities of building software at scale.

This gap between engineering and executives can be a difficult place to exist, but it's also an opportunity to build a bridge between the two groups. As VPs of Engineering, we have the chance to earn the respect of both sides by understanding and speaking both languages and cultures. This means being able to communicate technical concepts to non-technical people and being able to advocate for the needs of the engineering team to the executive team.

How can you be a successful VP of Engineering?

Here are a few tips:

1. Speak both languages fluently

It's not enough to just be able to translate technical terms into layman's terms. You also need to be able to understand the goals and priorities of the executive team and be able to communicate those to the engineering team.

2. Understand both cultures

It's important to have a deep understanding of both the engineering and executive cultures. This means being able to identify and address any misunderstandings or miscommunications that may arise.

3. Build trust

Trust is essential for building a strong relationship between engineering and executives. This means being transparent, honest, and reliable. It also means being willing to listen and consider the perspective of the other side.

4. Act as a mediator

As a VP of Engineering, you're in a unique position to mediate conflicts and facilitate discussions between the two groups. Use your understanding of both cultures and your ability to speak both languages to bring people together and find common ground.

Being a VP of Engineering can be a challenging and lonely position, but it's also an opportunity to make a real difference in your organization. By building a strong bridge between engineering and executives, you can help bring your company to new heights of success.

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